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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Outreach is Fun!!!!

This past October we began a 6 week class on the Prophetic Gift based on 1 Corinthians 14: 3 "But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men."  On the 4th week of class we all went out into our city and practiced what we had learned.  It was an incredible time.   Before we left we all prayed and asked God to give us clues on where to go and who to talk to.  Some clues we very funny.   One of the guys got the color pink and saw in his mind a tutu.  He laughed to himself thinking, "God,You would give me that kind of clue."  Anyway, he was suppose to meet my husband who was already downtown at the Farmer's Market.  On his way from the parking lot to the Farmer's Market, Ed passed a little consignment shop who's window display was filled with pink items and a pink ballerina outfit including a tutu.  He was amazed.  He went to find Scott and told him about the clues he got from God and what he just saw.  Together they went to the consignment shop.  The owner was at the counter.  Ed explained to her what he and Scott were doing there and asked to pray for her.  She was very open and accepting.  They prayed and prophesied over her.  She was blessed by what they said and encouraged them that what they prophesied was true and accurate.  The guys were thrilled!
The girls and I were at Aldi's grocery store on the other side of town.  I got the clue to go to Aldi's and also got 3 other clues: a women, ringing in the ears and headaches. I wasn't really sensing who we were to pray for until we got to the check out.  I then saw a woman who had already checked out and she was breathing with the aid of an oxygen tank.  I approached the woman and said, "I see that you have an oxygen tank, would you like me to pray for you?"  She immediately bowed her head and said yes.  I prayed for healing for her and then asked her if she had ringing in her ears and headaches.  She said yes!  So I prayed for those to stop.  Pricillia and Stacey both prayed for her and encouraged her.  The woman looked up at us and thanked us.  She then said that she knew who we were.  We were shocked.  She said that we knew her daughter.           When she revealed who she was, we marveled at God's goodness, because we knew how much her daughter had been praying for her mom not only for her health but for encouragement and God led us straight to her that night.  I also had the opportunity to pray for her brother who was there. He was very open.  Later, we shared this story with our friend about her mom and brother, she was thrilled and blessed to know that her prayers were being answered and that God moved on behalf of her family.
         Skipping to the next week...we did the same thing.  We prayed and then went out to where we thought God wanted us to go. That night Stacey got a clue to go to Tim Horton's.  While we were there some young ladies came into the store.  Stacey felt like she should talk to this one girl.  As she started a conversation with her, she began to prophesy over her.  The young girl was a believer and knew she was headed down a wrong path and that listening to Stacey brought her back to the place where she was suppose to be.  While Stacey was with this young girl, Mike and I were outside of Tim Hortons. Mike struck up a conversation with a elderly gentleman.  He shared the gospel with him and literally developed a friendship with him. The man gave him an open invitation to visit him at his home.  A seed was planted and watered.  We ended up praying and prophesying over more people at Walmart that night.  We then came together again at our home and shared our stories.  What an exciting time!  There is nothing more exciting than sharing God's goodness with others, to see God's gifts in operation and watch people's lives change right before your eyes.
            Our vision is to help equip people to go out and share the goodness of God through healing, prophesying and the message of salvation.  We want to train people to do the work that Jesus did...plain and simple.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace how sweet the sound....
       We all know the lyrics, but do we really understand the grace that Jesus has given to us through His death and resurrection?  Do we truly comprehend what He has done for us?  Do we  understand the new and better covenant that was purchased by His blood?
       There is a life more abundant available to believers.  We are no longer under the law.  We are no longer under the penalties of the law.  We are free.   Jesus purchased our redemption.  Just as Boaz redeemed Ruth the Moabite and she became his bride.  We were outsiders with no hope, until Jesus gave us hope and made a way for us to become the Bride of Christ.   His grace, His grace, His amazing grace has set us free. 
      Saint, you are no longer a sinner, but a saint rescued from the grips of sin.  You are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus.  You are co-heirs with Him.   When the Body of Christ realizes their position all of creation will cry out because the manifestation of sons and daughters of God will have taken place.  Til then creation awaits. is time to know your position in Christ.  It is time to walk above the cares of this world.  It is time walk in the love that Christ extended toward us.  Stop wasting your time looking around and finding fault one with another.  Spend time with your perfect heavenly Father so that you can be so full of His glory and love that you can't help but walk in the plans He has laid out for you before the foundation of time.   There is nothing more precious than a saint who's face radiates the love of Christ.    Joy fills their heart.  Love, peace, gentleness, kindness, joy, patience, meekness, self-control against which there is no law, permeates their behavior.  Not because they've worked hard at practicing these qualities, but because they've spent time with King of kings who encapsulates all these attributes. Reveling in the grace of God and being grateful for the grace of our Savior changes us from the inside out.
    Jesus said, "Come to me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest.  My burden is light and my yolk is easy."   There is an incredible peace and ease of mind when you know who Jesus is and who you are in Him.  You don't need to struggle, beg, beat up yourself or live under condemnation.  You are free under His grace and mercy.  Praise God!

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth

This past month has been quite the adventure.  Learning to stand on what I already believe has been challenging.   Do I believe God's Word is true? Absolutely  Do I believe that He has provided precious promises in His Word for us to stand on?  A resounding YES!   Do I believe that God loves us with an everlasting abandonment?  Again YES!  
Then why is it when I am faced with a trial that I begin to doubt the very things that I say that I believe?

When faced with a difficult circumstances we tend to think things like....Why God? Why Me? Where are You when I need You most?  I've learned that accusing God of something He has not done is a waste of time.   God does not throw us in the depths of painful circumstances.  There are many reasons that difficult things happen in our lives, but God is not one of them.   He is our redeemer, our savior, our help in time of need.  When under difficult pressures, we need to call upon His mercy and lovingkindness.  
Apostle Paul said in  Hebrews 4:16 "Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need."  
When we face trials we are to run into the arms of our heavenly Father to receive what we need.  That's what the blood of Christ provided for us, an open to door to our Father.  He wants to help us.  Our job is to ask and believe.   Know who He is and what He has provided for you and then ask and stand believing.  
Look at Psalm 103 
"Bless the Lord, O my soul, 
And forget not all His benefits:
Who forgives all your iniquities,
Who heals all your diseases,
Who redeems your life from destruction,
Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies,
Who satisfies your mouth with good things,
So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

This Psalm covers a lot of problems...sin, sickness, destruction and hunger.
And it encourages us NOT to forget God's benefits.   He gladly provides these for you.

You don't have to pray elaborate prayers for God to hear you.   Sometimes it only takes one word!

Quick testimony:  A few years ago my daughter and I were driving back from Buffalo, NY on I 90.  I was traveling behind a large flatbed semi tractor trailer.  It had a small load of wood beams on the back.  They were approx. 10 ft. long and cubed shaped 6X6 inches wide.   I remember the size because one of those beams came loose and fell off the truck.  We were driving about 65 miles an hour, so that beam came bounding towards us at an incredible speed and force.  I'll never forget it.  Like they say..."Everything seemed to move in slow motion."  The beam was bouncing end to end down the highway directly in our path.  We were driving a little Toyota hatch back at the time.   There wasn't much time to react.  I didn't know which way to swerve or if I should swerve at all.  The traffic was heavy that day.  I couldn't switch lanes.  Cars were on the side of me and behind me.   All I had time for was one shout!!  JESUS!!!   And upon screaming His name that beam fell flat to the ground swirled in circles to the side of the road.   PRAISE GOD! That was a miracle and I only had time to say His name.

So the encouragement I wish to leave you with today is this...God's Word is true despite our circumstances.  God wants to help us and He has promised that he would.  We just need to call on Him and believe that what He says he'll do...he'll do.   And that's the whole truth and nothing but the truth.